Author Archives: Andrea Telatin

After Lab03: homeworks

Screenshot 2014-04-03 14.00.19As promised we scheduled some excercises to be published daily in this blog. Please check it regularly. The very first are so simple that will not require further explanations, while in the future you’ll get some more complex task to submit to the instructors to be evaluated.
Please, stay tuned clicking here to view the list.

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Lab03: Cribi Crash Course

Today we met at the Vallisneri to play with the foundamentals of Perl (slides below).
Now you have some time to practice with Perl, so if you want to start from the basics here you are a step-by-step guide.
As always remember to “appello Nome Cognome” before starting, and say “goodbye” before leaving.

Screenshot 2014-04-03 13.59.43PDF of Perl slides


HomeworksDear guys,

we are really happy as we can see your efforts and your improvements. On Friday we’ll meet in Aula M Pr at 11.30, for a comprehensive course on Perl, so remember to repeat this part at home, try changing things in the scripts…

It’s going to be a long journey!



We are going to place useful links to presentations and manuals found on the Internet. We’ll try keeping this up to date.

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LAB02 – bourne again shell!

Today we are going to:

  1. Refresh some shell commands, and maybe learning new ones
  2. Start using bioinformatics programs, in addition to the standard Linux commands
  3. Meet Perl for the first time. Nice to meet you!

Read this page (to the end) before starting the practical.

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Lab02/3: first steps with Perl

This post is a part of the second laboratory session. Please refer to the main post. 

Ready to start programming? We hope so. This post will teach you the very first things 🙂

What a Perl program is

As we already said in class, a Perl program (or script, better), is a plain text file, as a FASTQ or SAM file is. It contains a set of instructions that the computer can execute. Unlike human beings, computers love repetitive tasks…

We are going to give you an actual lesson of Perl next Friday, but we think it is a good idea to make you touch it in advance.

Every programming language has:

  • variables: basically they are a piece of memory that can store an information, and has a name.
  • conditionals: we execute an instruction IF some condition is verified.
  • loops: we execute a set of instruction as many times as needed. Example: for every sequence in a FASTA file, calculate the reverse complement and print it.

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Lab02/0: First quiz

This post is a part of the second laboratory session. Please refer to the main post.

First quiz for the practical: check how much did you learn about the terminal and its commands

The following command:

mkdir My Directory

In your home you have two directories: lab1 and lab2. You are currently working on lab1 and want to list files present in the lab2 directory. Choose the right command(s):


The following command:

grep > genome.fasta

The command head will print the first 10 lines of a file. To print the first 100:


To count how many sequences you have in “genome.fasta”, you can:


If you want to see how many files (or directories) you have in your home folder:


Question 1 of 6

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Lab02/2: first bioinformatics programs

This post is a part of the second laboratory session. Please refer to the main post.

Linux commands like ls and grep are just programs, but they are special because any UNIX like terminal will ship them (for free :).

Now we are going to use a Perl script and an alignment program to perform two tasks:

  • simulate a whole genome shotgun
  • align the reads produced from the shotgun

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First practical

Welcome to the first practical. During this practical you’ll learn how to master the command line and Linux as well.
Please, keep in mind that all the tools we are presenting day by day are necessary to fulfil the final assignment, so try to think about all the steps rather than rushing to the end.

Feel free to ask us, in case of troubles…

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