Carissimi, vi comunichiamo la data di consegna dei vostri progetti: il 20 maggio alle 23.00. Cogliamo l’occasione per anticiparvi i criteri di valutazione.
Ricordatevi di iscrivere il vostro gruppo come spiegato in questa pagina.
Carissimi, vi comunichiamo la data di consegna dei vostri progetti: il 20 maggio alle 23.00. Cogliamo l’occasione per anticiparvi i criteri di valutazione.
Ricordatevi di iscrivere il vostro gruppo come spiegato in questa pagina.
This post contains the instructions for the Perl project. This page will be updated when needed.
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This post explains how to read a file from Perl. This is an optional part of laboratory04, so don’t try this unless you really feel confident about all the rest.
Here is the solution to the fourth homework, hw4. Continue reading
Today we are going to learn about a new function with the friendly name of “substr”! Its purpose is to extract a piece of a string, also known as substring. This is homework hw6.
Jump into the penguin!
For the next few perl homeworks you can use However you will need Linux (or a Mac) in order to make perl programs that can read files. Continue reading
As promised we scheduled some excercises to be published daily in this blog. Please check it regularly. The very first are so simple that will not require further explanations, while in the future you’ll get some more complex task to submit to the instructors to be evaluated.
Please, stay tuned clicking here to view the list.
We are going to try and modify some of the perl programs we saw during the lesson. Brace yourself! Note that the slides have been published. Continue reading