Category Archives: messages


Dear all,
yesterday we officially finished our Perl practicals (with a very simple and small oral exam that – we hope – helped you reviewing your home project, and possibly learning something new).
As always we enjoyed organizing this lab, but we have to admit that your commitment has been higher and stronger than usual.
Good work guys.

Andrea and Giovanni

Ordine di esecuzione

Stiamo correggendo le vostre perle, siete stati bravi!
Domani daremo udienza ai gruppi in questo ordine:

  • geno-100, geno-123
  • geno-610, geno-1720
  • geno-259, geno-6(66)

Pausa pranzo

  • geno-238, geno-571
  • geno-777, geno-23
  • geno-10, geno-8

Comunicazione di servizio

  • D’ora in avanti il blog vi parlerà in Italiano.
  • Lunedì le lezioni del Prof. Valle taceranno, e riprenderanno Martedì.

Practicals, 2014 edition

WelcomeHello guys, we are going to start the 2014 edition of the Genomics practicals today, in Aula M Pr at the Vallisneri Building. We’ll move to the Computer Room later on.

Today we’ll have see how to work in a Linux environment, mastering the command line interface (shell). Should you be curious to see past practicals on same argument, here you are: a post on this and another one and don’t forget the autocompletion.

See you later,
Andrea and Giovanni

New practicals…

This year we’ll have a completely new metagenomics laboratory: from sampling to bioinformatics. And a new blog too:


pee under the blue light .. so romantic!

May you need to pee under the blue light effect.. no worries guys! You’re obviously allowed to leave the labs and go to the hospital.

we’re also really curious to find out  the results of the experiment !


for those of you connected.. this afternoon laboratory will be held in AULA C, V PIANO

see you there

Lab Groups

In attachment to this post you will find the list of students divided in 7 groups. There are 5 groups of 4 students and 2 groups of 3 students. You can change group as long as you find a friend who agrees to perform the exchange and as long as the exchange fits these three simple roules:

  • groups number 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 must be composed of 4 people
  • groups number 6 and 7 must be composed of 3 people
  • Annagiulia, Tea and Ilaria must not be moved from the assigned group
remember to bring you lab coat and a calculator with you
see you soon in the labs

groups list 

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Just to know…

Last class lessons were on physical mapping approaches, from radiation hybrids to Happy Mapping and BEP-Mapping with NGS. These are quite interesting topics and we would like to know if you understood them.

Please answer the poll below!

Happy mapping and BEP-mapping: did you understand these techniques?

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Dear guys, I’d like to start our practical at 14.15 with a brief lesson in Piano Rialzato. When I’ll have the room booked I’ll update you… Keep in touch.
Bring paper and pencil! 🙂 Update: Aula A pr