Databases: the very basic introduction

Databases… a whole ‘big thing’ in the bioinformatics field. Databases are the “backbone” of all the public data banks of course, but can be very useful for many other aspects. Even our scaffolding program uses a database for fast data retrieval.

Databases stores data, as a very simple “text file”. But they have a powerful engine to quickly retrieve data using selected criteria. Consider our “pick primer” program: it takes a while to take the sequence of both contigs because it has to parse the file containing all of them. If we decided to store all sequences into a database we could perform a simple query to get them.

This blog is powered by a quite complex database.

What a database is

In very simple term a “database” is a collection of data, but it has a very precise structure: a database is a collection of tables, and each table has a set of columns called fields. Each row represent a single “item” and it’s called record. The picture below shows an example of a table (skip last field for now).

This figure shows a table representation of an EMPLOYEE table in a database, identifying the records and fields in the table. Each record in the table contains the following fields: Employee ID, First name, Last name, Title, Date of birth, Address ID.

Your mobile phone’s address book is a simple database consisting of a single table. Fields are Name, Surname, Phone, Email… and each contact is a record of the database.

Consider these two statements:

  • Get me contacts whose surname starts for “Smi” (and sort them by surname first, then by first name)
  • Get me contacts whose birthday is today
  • Tell me how many contacts live in Padua
  • Tell me the average length of the surname of my contacts

These are simple example queries.

Relational databases: tables falling in love

Sometimes with a single table we can do a lot, but relational databases interconnecting their tables are much better!

Consider you want to keep data about the SOLiD sequencer. Each sample has:

  • a name (eg: “Grape leaf”)
  • it belongs to a run (a run has many samples loaded into it)
  • a library type (eg: “RNA Paired end”)
  • a technician processing it (eg: “Micky”)
  • a bioinfomatician analyzing it (eg: “Chuck Norris”)
  • and many other fields of course!
Consider this record:
  • Name: Grape leaf
  • Run: 193
  • Processed by (name): Micky
  • Processed by (mail):
What happens if Micky changed email? This is one of the key aspects of relational database: we split data across tables.
We can create a “people” table with name, surname, email, phone etc. as fields. We add an “ID” field with a unique identifier.
Then each sample will have a “technician” field where we can store the person’s ID. Same for bioinformatician.
Then we can perform a “joined query” across multiple tables.
Referring to the first example now the content of the “Address ID” field becomes clear: it’s a reference to another table.
Two tables connected using an "Address ID" field.
We can have a many-to-many relation between tables like this example.


In the next lab we will try using a simple database. There is a standard language called “SQL” (Structured Query Language). A very popular implementation of the language is MySQL.
With the SQL language we can:
  • Create databases and tables
  • Insert records to a table
  • Update a record in a table
  • Query the table!



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